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Al Salama Institute of Architecture (ASIA) is a private self financing college, affiliated to University of Calicut and approved by Council of Architecture and Govt of Kerala. The Architectural college was initiated by the Assalama Institute of Ophthalmology Calicut Ltd. - a public limited company in Calicut managed by a group of like-minded NRI’s with a sole mission to provide the best quality eye treatment and world class education at an affordable cost to the various strata of the society. 

In India we are unable to use our resources for effective construction mainly due to lack of access to Architectural education. Assalama Institute of Ophthalmology Calicut Ltd. proposes to bridge this gap of educational prosperity of Architecture by establishing an Architecture College, “Al Salama Institute of Architecture”. As an institution committed to create architects of highest competence, commitment and ethics to satisfy the requirements of the society and nation, we perceive a vision to mould effective, efficient and technically qualified architects. In this process we consider architecture other than designing and constructing buildings and other physical structures also which includes design of the total built environment, from the macro level of how a building integrates with its surrounding landscape to the micro level of architectural and construction details thus building a healthy and sustainable world for future generations.



About The College

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Coordinator:  Mohammed Fazil

Phone:            +91 9567892276

Unit Secretary :   Able Mathai

Phone:                  +91 8943757314

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